When you visit a physical therapist for muscular pain, they may suggest electrical stimulation treatment. These chiropractic treatments effectively reduce chronic pain and improve your physical health. Back in the day, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) method was commonly used for the treatment, but now IFC, or interferential current therapy, has surpassed it in popularity. […]
What Is Soft Tissue Chiropractic Manipulation?
Imagine living with constant back pain that restricts you from completing your daily tasks. How would it feel to not be able to experience life to its truest potential because of these painful aches in your back? Many suffer from back pains on a daily basis and they have forgotten how to properly enjoy life. […]
3 Common Causes of Hamstring Tightness
Muscle pain and stiffness in the body happens to many people. It doesn’t matter whether you have a sedentary lifestyle or you exercise regularly– your hamstring muscles can start to feel tight. Proactive Chiropractic is the premiere chiropractic therapy facility that can help with hamstring tightness. Depending on the cause, the severity of the pain […]
All You Need to Know About Neck Pain and Chiropractic Care
Neck pain is one of the most common physical problems people of all age groups, including teens and young adults, suffer from at some point in their lives. Poor posture, hunching over books or a computer, arthritis, and muscle strains are among the common causes of chronic neck pain. One of the primary symptoms of […]
Feeling Back Pain After Lifting Something Too Heavy?
It isn’t just the elderly who should be cautious about lifting something too heavy. Anybody at any age is susceptible to injuries. This includes bodybuilders, sports enthusiasts and athletes. You are more susceptible to back injuries if you are lifting weights that are too heavy. Even though the back generally bears much of your body’s […]
Cold Laser Therapy
Cold laser therapy utilizes low-level light energy waves to aid in pain relief and help decrease healing time. It differs from other laser treatments in the fact that the energy levels emitted during the procedure are so low that they are unable to heat the tissues in the body. During treatment, a laser device is […]